What is NSG Membership for a country ?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 1082 times


NSG Membership describe in brief.

2 Answers


The Nuclear Suppliers Group or NSG is a group of countries that prevents the spread of nuclear weapons. They do so by the implementation of 2 sets of Guidelines: for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports. They are also known as ‘London Club’ popularly because they met in London for the first time in 1975. 

Their goals:

  • They govern the export of nuclear items that are specially designed for nuclear use.
  • They govern the export of nuclear-related dual-use items and technologies that could lead to unguarded or unsafe nuclear activity.
  • They analyze that trade for peaceful nuclear exchange does not lead to the proliferation of nuclear weapons or other explosive devices.
  • They facilitate peaceful nuclear trade
  • They supply nuclear energy for developmental and peaceful purposes.


  • It ensures that nuclear exports are carried out with utmost safeguards, physical protection, and nonproliferation conditions, and other appropriate restraints.
  • It restricts the use of sensitive materials that may contribute to proliferation.
  • They seek that the transfer of nuclear energy for development purposes does not get diverted to unsafeguarded or explosive reasons.
  • Physical protection measures agreements are drafted for caution in the transfer of sensitive facilities, technology, and weapons.
  • It safeguards that the legally binding documents and agreements should be a condition for granting licensed items like explosives, nuclear weapons, etc.


Since it is a voluntary association, it does not bind any country by any treaty to comply with the rules. The guidelines are applicable for both the member and non-member countries. The export control measures on nuclear explosives and weapons must be practiced by both types of countries. 

answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User


What is NSG Membership for a country ?

NSG is abbreviation to Nuclear Supplier Group that seeks to prevent nuclear proliferation by controlling the exports of material, equipment, and technology which are used for the manufacturing of nuclear weapons.

The NSG is mainly formed in response to Indian nuclear Test in 1974. Initially NSG had 7 participating nations the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Germany, France and the Soviet Union. As of 2019, there are 48 participating nations.
What is NSG Membership for a country ?
Out of 48, 44 countries are supporting India’s entry into the Nuclear Supplier Group.
Some countries are not supporting Indian entry into NSG because India has not signed the Non-Proliferation treaty (NPT). The members which are opposing the India’s entry into the NSG are:-
2. Ireland
3. Austria
China does not want its rival and neighbor country to have access of latest nuclear technologies. Whereas Ireland, Austria and New Zealand opposing because India didn’t sign NPT.
I am hoping India will soon join NSG and world accept us as a peace loving country.

answered 6 years ago by DILIP SINGH

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