How to fix your iPhone SE that gets stuck on the Apple logo or infinite bootloops after iOS 11.3 update

Asked 28-Oct-2018
Viewed 538 times


How to fix your iPhone SE that gets stuck on the Apple logo or infinite bootloops after iOS 11.3 update

1 Answer


Infinite boot loops and other stuck difficulties typically indicate a significant problem. The majority of the time, these are caused by large system issues caused by difficult flaws in an app or in iOS itself. These are the kinds of issues that usually necessitate more sophisticated remedies. However, you may use iTunes to conduct an iOS restore or system reset by following these steps:
1. To get started, open iTunes on your computer.
2. Use the USB data cable or Lightning connector that came with your iPhone to connect it to your computer.
3. When your iPhone shows in iTunes, choose it. If your iPhone isn't showing up in iTunes, unhook any USB devices from your computer, restart it, then rejoin your iPhone. Alternatively, if you have spare Lightning cords, try replacing the one you're currently using.
4. In iTunes, select the option to Restore Backup.
5. Look for the backup file you want to restore.
6. click restore
Wait for your iPhone to restart, and then check to see whether the problem has been resolved.