How To Install A Program Into A Mac's Applications Folder?

Asked 18-Sep-2018
Viewed 483 times

1 Answer


Steps To Install A Program Into A Mac's Applications Folder:

  • Open the application file you downloaded from the Internet by double-clicking it. If the programme 'can't be opened because it wasn't downloaded from the Mac App Store,' right-click the downloaded file and select Open.
  • The file extensions for Mac installation files are.dmg,.pkg, If the file is a zip file, it will be immediately unpacked into its own folder.
  • Drag and drop the programme into the Applications folder.
  • The majority of.pkg files will handle all of the work for you, but.dmg files may require you to drag the app to the apps folder. Your application has now been successfully installed. When you're finished, delete the downloaded file.

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