What is Big Bang theory?

Asked 06-Sep-2018
Updated 06-Sep-2018
Viewed 950 times

1 Answer


According to the science aspect, the Big Bang Theory is the affected cosmological model explaining the presence of the observable universe from the previously known period through its subsequent large evolution.

What is Big Bang theory?

Big bang theory
All the people used to think in one way or the other that how this universe come from and how this everything is evaluated. Similarly, like me and you, several scientists, cosmologists, and astronauts discussed the base of this universe and how this was all created from tiny material to the science laws by which we are being governed. After the detailed discussion, they came to a point and said that the expansion of this universe happened from the explosion which is called the Big Bang theory. It is the BOOM blast by the explosion and everything started to evolve.
The core concept of the theory is a compact ball in which all the matter was present about 13.8 billion years ago and as the temperature inside the boll started to increase the ball gets expand through the explosion. This theory explains the past and the future of life on the earth and other planets.
Well, this is not the only modern theory of explaining the evolution of life in the universe but, there are also some other theories like the steady-state theoryor the Oscillating state theory. This theory is the most widely excepted one and it not only explains the origin of all known matter, laws of Physics, and well-known structure of physics but it also accounts for the expansion of the universe and a broad range of other phenomena.

His work in quantum theory and relativity worked in the theory of everything (ToE) which explains how all other theories are attached to this theory.
In simple words, this theory describes the fundamental constituents of the universe as tiny, one-dimensional vibration strings. He uses the holography concept of sting theory that postulates that the universe is the large and complex  Hologram. In this theory, the physical reality in some 3D spaces can be mathematically reduced to 2D projections on the surface.
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