Who invented the Submarine?

Asked 28-Aug-2018
Updated 29-Aug-2018
Viewed 647 times

1 Answer


The first model of a submarine was built in 1876by Irish inventor John Philip Holland and full-scale version in 1878. Hence he is regarded as' Father of modern submarine'.But the history of submarine is quite old, many other also tried earlier but could not produce a full proof successful version. In 1875 Philip designed a full proof model of a submarine and presented it for consideration to US Navy. On April 11, 1900, after rigorous trials, USS HOLLAND named submarine was officially adopted by the navy. the first company which constructed the first submarine was 'The Electric Boat Company. Who invented the Submarine?
The first submarine of India was INS KALVARI commissioned on December 8, 1967. It was purchased from Russia a Foxtrot class submarine.