What was the role of Mangal Pandey in independence?

Asked 28-Aug-2018
Updated 19-Sep-2018
Viewed 1790 times

1 Answer


Mangal Pandey born on July 19, 1827, in a Brahmin family in Nagwa village of Ballia district. He joined the Bengal Army in 1849 as a sepoy in 5th company Bengal Native Infantry (BNI). He is known as the valiant man who raised voice against East India Company (EIC). he was from a high caste Brahmin landowning family that professed strong Hindu beliefs and rituals handedly. He joined East India Company  in1894 AS sepoy (solider) in 34th Native Infantry which had a large amount of Brahmans. During his stint at a garrison in Barrackpore in the mid-1850s a new Enfield rifle was introduced into India that a soldier had to bite off which was greased with lubricant made either by the cow or pig lard which was unacceptable to both Hindus and Muslims. The soldiers had to bite off which was greased with lubricant made by either cow or pig lard which was unacceptable to both Hindus and Muslims.

What was the role of Mangal Pandey in independence?

The soldiers across the caste and religion revolted against companies decision of implementing this cartridge. However, Mangal Pandey incited his fellow sepoys to rise up against Britishers and attacked two of those officers and killed them. He was arrested and soon sentenced to death.
In India, Mangal Pandey has been remembered as a freedom fighter who incited Indians against British rule. His death led to the outburst of the rebellion of First independence Of War in 1857 which spread all across the country and shook the foundation of the British Empire.
The Indian government in 1984 issued a stamp post in his commemoration. A movie was made depicting his character in 2005 named ' Mangal Pandey The Risings'.