The secretary of Union Ministry of Culture recently inaugurated an exhibition 'Revolutionary Patriots (1905-1947)'...

Asked 12-Jun-2018
Updated 12-Jun-2018
Viewed 848 times


The secretary of Union Ministry of Culture recently inaugurated an exhibition 'Revolutionary Patriots (1905-1947)' on the occasion of 127th Foundation Day of National Archives of India. Who is the secretary of Union Ministry of Culture?

1 Answer


A display entitled "Progressive Patriots (1905-1947)" was initiated on 11 March 2017 on the event of 127th Foundation Day of National Archives of India (NAI).

The secretary of Union Ministry of Culture recently inaugurated an exhibition
The display was initiated by N.K. Sinha, Secretary, Union Ministry of Culture.
The focal point of the show is on the strategies and political point of the progressive patriots.The fabulous demonstrations of the progressive loyalists are in plain view at the display.
The show depends on unique records and banished writing. It is sorted out with a two-overlay objective: to sharpen the more youthful age to the penances made by the progressives in their battle for autonomy from the majestic control, and to instill a feeling of authentic mindfulness among general society. The show will stay open for open till 10 April 2017 from 10.30 AM to 5.30 PM amid working days as it were.
National Archives of India : The National Archives of India is a storehouse of the non-current records of the Government of India.

The NAI holds the records in trust for the utilization of heads and researchers.
It was initially settled as the Imperial Record Department on 11 March 1891 in Calcutta. At display, it is arranged at the crossing point of Janpath and Rajpath in New Delhi. Educator G.W. Forrest was the main officer responsible for the office.
It works as an Attached Office of the Department of Culture under the Union Ministry of Culture.