What did hippies do to show their disapproval of mainstream values?

Asked 16-May-2018
Viewed 1851 times


1 Answer


Hippies movement which hit the US in the mid-1960s and later spread to the other part of the world including Canada and Britain was originally a youth movement which was counter-culture it aroused in a position of US which indulged in Vietnam war (1955-1975). Yet Hippies do not have direct involvement in politics. Hippies felt isolated from middle-class society as capitalism and plutocracy was prevailing in the society. Their name hippies were coined because of long hair casual outfit often unconventional dress and sometimes psychedelic colors which were against mainstream culture.
Mainly males grew long beared and women wore sandals and beads they started focusing on vegetarian foods and non-violence. Hippies were in favor make love, not the war for which they were regarded as "flower children'. They started following the culture and ethics of East particularly Buddhism. Astrology became a very known word and it was often referred as an age Aquarius.
What did hippies do to show their disapproval of mainstream values?
During Hippies movement politics changed drastically and anti-war protests filled the nation street. Many Americans who were against the war thought that we should not have had troops in Vietnam as it is not a war of us. President Lindon B. Jhonson sent around 5000 troops to Vietnam which outraged many in America.
Hippies protested entirely to end the Vietnam War. They hated President Nixon and Johnson because of their active participation in Vietnam and Cambodia wars. Slogans of “make love not wars” and “US troops get out of Vietnam” became a mouthpiece of them.