Folks irritate so much by posting lame and creepy post on social media because they are dumb enough to assume the following:

1. They are special
2. Someone actually cares about them eating some random food
3. Think that it is their best shot at living forever. Hint: It’s not
4. Forget that people will determine their career choices and relationships by looking at their social media
5. Have nothing better to do
6. Start using it with the best of intentions and end up pestering everyone they encounter on it
7. To get involved with random stories that make little to no sense with the only purpose to promote drama.
8. Because they are bored and lack the capacity to entertain themselves.
9. Think they can actually “make new friends” by not actually interacting with someone in a meaningful way
10. Because they are either afraid or too sad to actually go out and live their life

Human life without communication would be pretty boring. Social media like Facebook was invented for making new friends and socialize them. It’s our normal instinct to share our life events, interests and future plans with our friends and take their advice.
This is what people exactly do on social media. They post their ideas, pictures, life events etc to keep their friends, colleagues, and followers well informed about their life. This is the purpose of social media.
But what we are exactly seeing these days that folks simply misuse such platform by posting irrelevant and un-necessary kinds of stuff. We all know that social media platforms are made with an intent to explore and communicate with each other through several forms and features given in it.