Who was the Free-Soil Party's candidate for President?

Asked 6 years ago
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Who was the Free-Soil Party's candidate for President?

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*The Free Soil Party*

Who was the Free-Soil Party

The Free Soil Party was a brief political gathering in the United States dynamic in the 1848 and 1852 presidential races and additionally in some state decisions. A solitary issue party, its primary reason for existing was to contradict the development of subjugation into the Western domains, contending that free men on free soil constituted an ethically and financially better framework than subjection. It likewise here and there attempted to expel existing laws that oppressed liberated African Americans in states, for example, Ohio.

The gathering started in New York after the state Democratic tradition declined to support the Wilmot Proviso, a proposed law that would have prohibited servitude in any region procured from Mexico in the Mexican– American War. A group of New York Democrats known as the Barnburners protested bondage in the regions and contradicted the 1848 Democratic chosen one Lewis Cass. The Barnburners and other abolitionist servitude Democrats joined with some abolitionist subjugation Whigs and the Liberty Party to frame the Free Soil Party. John P. Hale, Salmon P. Pursue, and other gathering pioneers sorted out the Free Soil Convention 1848, which named a ticket comprising of Charles Francis Adams Sr. and previous President Martin Van Buren. In the year of 1848 presidential race, Van Buren won 10.1% of the prevalent vote and Whig has chosen one Zachary Taylor vanquished Cass.

The Compromise of 1850 lessened strains in regards to subjection, however, some stayed in the gathering. In the 1852 presidential decision, Hale won 4.9% of the well-known vote as the gathering's chosen one. Entry of the Kansas– Nebraska Act in 1854 revived the abolitionist subjugation development and the gathering enrollment (counting pioneers, for example, Hale and Chase) was to a great extent consumed by the Republican Party between 1854 and 1856 by a method for the Anti-Nebraska development.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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