The five-year plan s an arranging technique of the association government and financed by central government and executed at the national level with the collaboration of state government. The fifth multi-year plan was propelled by the Indira Gandhi government for a timespan of 1974–1979. The target of the arrangement was destitution lightening however the motto "Garibi Hatao" was not given to this.
Because of the adjustment in government at the inside, a five-year plan didn't finished its term and ended by the Janta government in 1978 and propelled the sixth five-year plan for 1978 to 1983 and named it as a "Rolling Plan".
Be that as it may, again congress came to control in 1980 and disbanded this arrangement however it had just finished its two years. So this two-year change was done in an extremely fascinating way:
Period 1978 to 1979 was again joined with the first fifth five-year plan and it formally finished its term. Presently 1979 to 1980 balanced as a yearly arrangement and named it "Moving arrangement".
In 1980, the congress government authoritatively propelled the 6th five-year plan for 1980 to 1985 with the trademark "Garibi Hatao". So it was the 6th five-year plan which had Garibi Hatao as a motto.