Which state government has made it compulsory for all Government offices to install LED bulbs?

Asked 11-Mar-2018
Viewed 457 times


Which state government has made it compulsory for all Government offices to install LED bulbs?

1 Answer


The state government of Uttarakhand has made it compulsory for all Government offices to install LED bulbs. This initiative has been taken by the government to eradicate the consumption of electricity done in civic areas and offices.

The compulsion for the installation of led lights is made for all government offices, educational institutions, civic bodies and institutes taking grants from the government.

Which state government has made it compulsory for all Government offices to install LED bulbs?

The District Magistrates and Head of Departments have been asked to strictly follow the rules and guidelines stated by the government. The sale of sodium vapour lamps and incandescent lamps have also been banned by the state government.  

This is what state’s energy secretary Radhika said on this initiative taken by the government "40 lakh LED bulbs have been distributed so far as against the target of one crore LED bulbs. She said that once the set target is met, it would lead to the saving of 39 crore units of electricity every year, which is worth almost Rs 98 crore".

Uttarakhand government isn’t the only government which took such initiative to eradicate the over-consumption of electricity as other states in Indian have also taken such initiative previously.

"great initiative"