Which state recently signed loan agreement of USD 318 million with World Bank for support in the Climate Resilient Agriculture technologies?

Asked 7 years ago
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Which state recently signed loan agreement of USD 318 million with World Bank for support in the Climate Resilient Agriculture technologies?

1 Answer


*Climate Resilient Agriculture technologies*

Which state recently signed loan agreement of USD 318 million with World Bank for support in the Climate Resilient Agriculture technologies?

The World Bank, The Government of India, and the Government of Tamil Nadu today marked a $318 million credit assention for the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project to advance atmosphere strong agribusiness innovations, enhance water administration practices, and increment advertise open doors for little and peripheral ranchers. Around 500,000 agriculturists, of which a larger part are little and minor, are relied upon to profit by enhanced and modernized tank water system frameworks.

The undertaking will restore and modernize around 4,800 water system tanks and 477 check dams, spread crosswise over 66 sub-bowls, in conveying mass water to water system frameworks.

"Tamil Nadu, being a water-focused on state, keeps on encountering water deficiencies which are relied upon to additionally intensify later on. Restoring and modernizing water system tanks will enhance the dependability and accessibility of water system water for cultivating networks, making them less inclined to climatic perils. In excess of 160,000 ha of at present incompletely inundated grounds will come into full water system under this venture," said Sameer Kumar Khare, Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance.

The understanding for the task was marked by Sameer Kumar Khare, Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, for the benefit of the Government of India; S K Prabhakar, Principal Secretary, Public Works Department, in the interest of the Government of Tamil Nadu and John Blomquist, Program Leader and Acting Country Director, World Bank, India for the World Bank.

"This task will help Tamil Nadu scale up its endeavors to open the maximum capacity of its farming segment. It will bolster ranchers enhance the proficiency of water utilized as a part of cultivating, enhance into high esteem products, and create crops that are flexible to the expanding dangers of environmental change. Such endeavors will be a win-win for all, prompting better utilization of rare water assets and raising family unit salaries of agriculturists," said John Blomquist, Program Leader and Acting Country Director, World Bank, India.

In spite of the fact that critical advance has been made amid the previous decade in edit enhancement, still there is degree for accomplishing a larger amount. Paddy is the prevailing harvest possessing 34 percent of aggregate edited zones, while products of the soil are developed on 11 percent and heartbeats and oilseeds on 14 percent of aggregate trimmed zones. By helping ranchers' entrance current innovations, connecting them to business sectors, and giving postharvest administration bolster, the task will empower agriculturists to move from a mono harvest paddy framework to blended trimming including high-esteem crops (natural products, vegetables, and flavors), heartbeats, oilseeds, and millets.

To improve the capacity of products to withstand expected antagonistic effects of environmental change, the task will bolster smallholder makers receive new protection innovations, for example, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Sustainable Sugar Initiative (SSI). They lessen normal water utilization by 35 percent and increment yields by 22 percent for each ha. The undertaking is relied upon to expand the yield of rice, maize, and heartbeats by 18– 20 percent.

"The prior World Bank-bolstered venture on modernizing inundated agribusiness (TN IAMWARMP), had huge effects by modernizing water system foundation and enhancing the productivity of water utilized for horticulture. This undertaking will bring the arrangement and institutional advancements accomplished under the before venture to another level, enhance ranchers' connects to business sectors, and restore and modernize high-need tank water system frameworks in excess of 50 percent of the sub-bowls of the state, which were not some portion of the TN IAMWARMP," said Bayarsaikhan Tumurdavaa, Senior Agriculture Economist, and World Bank's Task Team Leader for the task.

The task will likewise facilitate with other World Bank-upheld extends in Tamil Nadu and at the national level, including the Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project, National Hydrology Project, and National Groundwater Improvement Project to guarantee collaboration and upgrade long-haul venture effect.

The $318 million advance from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), has a 5-year elegance period, and a development of 19 years.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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