Acute lead poisoning is also known as?

Asked 11-Mar-2018
Viewed 839 times

1 Answer


Acute Lead Poisoning is known as ‘Plumbism’ or ‘Saturnism’.

Acute lead poisoning is also known as?
Lead Poisoning is caused due to the acute presence of lead or lead salt in the body. The excess of lead in body effects Brian, Nervous System, Blood, and Digestive System. Lead is a Chemical Element, whose Atomic Number is 82.
The Symptoms of Lead Poisoning are, Neurological Problems like Reduced IQ level, Nausea, Abdominal Pain, Insomnia, Irritability, Hyperactivity, Extreme Lethargy, and Headache are some common symptoms of Lead Poisoning. Other health-related problems due to lead poisoning are linked with Gastrointestinal problem like Constipation, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Appetite loss, Weight loss as well as Anemia, Kidney Problem, and Reproductive Problems are also associated with Lead Poisoning.
Earlier, Lead Poisoning was very common among workers i.e. Painters, Typesetters, etc. But lately, it becomes less-frequent as lead-free paints were available in the market too while keeping in mind the health of workers. Whereas, still the lead paint is very much in use in plastic toys, and children’s get in contact with lead due to playing with these types of toys and putting them in their mouths.
Lead poisoning can be caused in two ways, firstly when it gets collected in bones, liver, kidney, muscle, and brain and then suddenly released to produce an acute condition; or a large amount of lead may be taken in or inhaled at one time. It can only be diagnosed after the examination of blood and urine samples.
Lead Poisoning can only be prevented by making the distance from those objects which contains lead. Avoid eating foods and preservatives which contain lead, many cosmetics also contain lead so try to avoid them for good health. Keep your child away from toys painted with harmful or bad quality paints, avoid staying in a freshly painted house, drink purified water as impure water also contains lead in it.