The idea of Preamble was borrowed from the Constitution of the United States of America. The Preamble of India is an introductory and a brief statement in a document which defines the purpose of each document and the philosophy related to it.

The Preamble is considered as the heart and soul of the Indian Constitution. It is like a brief description which highlights the complete Constitution. The Preamble in the Indian Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949, by the Assembly and the Preamble came into effect on January 26, 1950, which is famously celebrated as the Republic Day of India. In the History of India, the Government of India Act 1919 has the separate preamble and was taken for the first time in the Indian History. Whereas, the Government of India Act 1935 was having no Preamble. So, it won’t be appropriate to refer that Preamble was borrowed from the Constitution of the United States of America.
The Constitution of India is a mixture of many Countries Constitution, but it is a pick-up of many best features from the other countries. Many a time the Constitution of India is criticized by saying that, the Indian Constitution is a work of borrowings from other countries or it is just a paper and scissor work. The Preamble and the Constitution of India were designed by ‘Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’. In this reference to the copying work of the Constitution, he said, there is nothing to be ashamed of in borrowing. As nobody has the patents rights in the ideas of the Fundamental of the Constitution.
In the original version of Preamble the words, Socialist, Secular, and Integrity were not included initially. These words are added in 1976 through the 42nd Amendment Act. The Supreme Court of India clarifies that Preamble is a part of the Constitution and Amendments can be done under Article 368, but without altering its basic structure.