What is the theme of the 2018 International Women’s Day (IWD)?

Asked 11-Mar-2018
Viewed 757 times


What is the theme of the 2018 International Women’s Day (IWD)?

1 Answer


The theme of the International Women’s Day 2018, was “Time is Now: Rural and Urban activists transforming Women’s lives”.

What is the theme of the 2018 International Women’s Day (IWD)?
The 2018 International Women’s Day was celebrating the day to highlight the achievements of women. On February 28, 1909, in New York, the first Women’s Day was celebrated. Then from 1910 at the International Woman’s Conference, the Women’s Day was suggested to celebrated on March 8 of every year as the 'International Women’s Day’. Later, from 1917, in Soviet Russia, March 8th has been declared as the National Holiday. And for the first time ‘United Nations’ celebrated March 8 as the International Women’s Day in the year 1975.
In 2018, the International Women’s Day was celebrated on the Social, Cultural, Political, and Economical achievements of Women globally. The day is celebrated for the achievement in Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the diverse world. This day is celebrated for the recognition of extraordinary work by the women’s and to stand together, to promote gender equality around the world. The theme of the day was followed by the United Nation Commission about the status of Women in Rural Areas, like the women ho has been forgotten by all, the women’s who used to work in Agriculture Sector at the rural as well as in the Urban Areas.
The International Women’s Day of 2018 was organized by the Trusteeship Council Chamber, at the United Nations Head Quarter, New York. The event was felicitated by the speakers which include United Nations Secretary-General, United Nations Women Executive Director, Reese Witherspoon, Academy Award Winner Actor, and Activist, Danai Gurira, and Tony, the nominated Playwright, Actor and Activist, and the Civil Society Representative.