Does a blogger really earn money (lakhs) monthly?

Asked 10-Mar-2018
Viewed 661 times


1 Answer


If I start making you count there are so many of them who earn huge through blogging and are exceptional with their work. Shraddha Sharma, Amit Agrawal, Harsh Agrawal are some of the finest examples I can give of individuals who are earning huge sum through their passion for blogging.

Does a blogger really earn money (lakhs) monthly?

But blogging isn’t that lavish as it looks for everyone, especially for Indian bloggers. It takes a lot of introspection and guts to choose your carrier as a blogger and make it a mainstream source of income.
So if you start a blog with an intention to make money online, I don’t think you will. Because the fact is, normally it takes few months or years to see the first significant result.

Does a blogger really earn money (lakhs) monthly?

When you choose or wish to make your carrier in something which is a little off track the ways are full of hurdles and if you personally feel inside you have that caliber that you can clear that path then you must head forward.

No wonder earns a lot of money but not everyone if your write-ups are exceptionally great and have that magnetism which can drag down the readers, viewers, customers and your blog post comes in the search results in such case you don’t have to worry about the money as they will automatically come to your way.  

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