Where was the Cotton for textile was first cultivated?

Asked 7 years ago
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Where was the Cotton for textile was first cultivated?

1 Answer


*Cotton *

Where was the Cotton for textile was first cultivated?

The ancestry of the production of Cotton, well the initial evidence of it was found to be in India and the region of Pakistan, dated to be a time of 6000 B.C. Talking about the belief of the scientists, they believe that it was first cultivated at the Indus Delta.

The species that were introduced it the South Asian region was Gossypium arboretum and Gossypium herbaceum which was introduced in Africa and India. At the later phase to this, the production of cotton took the floor and was spread all over to Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Nubia. In the 1st Century, the introduction of the fiber took command to Europe which happened later to the event when Arab traders brought cotton to Spain and Italy. During the last of medieval time, in North Europe took over the ground and was a known element to all.

As we were heading to the end of the 16th century, the cultivation of it has started in the warmer region of America and Asia. In the 18th century, the new species of cotton has been entertained with the Africans and later to China, Pakistan, and India was on they have blown up the market and replaced all the conventional varieties.

Where was the Cotton for textile was first cultivated?

The phase of the Industrial Revolution came up with the invention of the Spinning Machine in the year of 1738 and then the Cotton Gin in the year of 1793, giving a fire to the manufacturer of cotton, initially at England. “Cottonpolis” was the nickname that Manchester acquired, reason been the omnipresence of the cotton industry in the vicinity of the city.

Until the 19th century, India turned out to be the leading provider of the cotton fiber for the European Industries of cotton. By that time cotton became the spine of the economy for Southern North America, which was involved in the enslavement. European Textile Manufacturer initiated the purchase of cotton from the American Plantation due to its cheaper price and higher quality.

Where was the Cotton for textile was first cultivated?

ICE Futures U.S. in China became the giant cotton producer to which it was introduced about 2000 year ago. By the end of 1970’s, the Government of China encouraged for the heavy production of cotton by offering acquisition fund and bankroll inputs. As an aftermath, the production of cotton rose from the 10 million bales in the year of 1979 to approx... 29 million bales by the end of 1984.

Where was the Cotton for textile was first cultivated?


answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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