Could someone enlighten me on the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 1309 times


Could someone enlighten me on the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory?

1 Answer


*Loop Quantum Theory*

Could someone enlighten me on the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory?
The concept of this approach has been introduced more than twenty years ago…

Well, here we would be getting aware, what is the loop approach to the Quantum Gravity? Nowadays, it is holding back a wide area of research… revolving around the space-time Theory of Quantum. The approach has briefed about the physical impression of Planck-scale quantum geometry, definite quantitative predictions, calculation techniques, a tool for deliberating classical problems such as black-hole thermodynamics and the physics of the Big Bang and the theory of quantum gravity.
Could someone enlighten me on the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory?

Scientists are still in dilemma, whether or not the theory is substantially true. The experiments need to be performed directly or indirectly for the support. Unfortunately the present case scenario for the approach to Quantum Gravity. The reason has been the manifestation of the quantum properties of space-time at a minute scale. Well, the theory needs to be tested and compared with the substitutes on the following parameters like consistency, internal coherence, Nature and its capacity for the production of unambiguous innovative prognosis. However, the sane standards of science demand that no particular conclusion it can come upon.
Could someone enlighten me on the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory?
Albeit genuinely very much created, loop quantum gravity (or "loop gravity") isn't yet a total hypothesis, nor has its full consistency with traditional general relativity been thoroughly settled yet. The area of the hypothesis, which has not yet set, is the elements, which exists in a few variations that are directly under scrutiny. The quality of the hypothesis is its convincing ability to portray quantum spacetime in a foundation free and nonperturbative mold, and, particularly, its certified endeavor to integrate the applied oddities presented by quantum mechanics with the ones presented by general relativity: loop quantum gravity offers a conceivable calculated system in which general relativity and quantum field hypothesis bode well together and reliably.
Could someone enlighten me on the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory?
To companion, this approach, in the vast research program of Quantum Theory of Gravity was introduced the String Theory… which is again not a proven theory. Well, the String Theory is more resourceful than the Loop Gravity, that’s because the String Theory is having an objective wherein it is unifying all the fundamentals of Physics into a prime theory.

The “Living Review” is predetermined to be an instrument for the orientation of the readers… interested in the field of Loop Gravity.
The literature concerning this field is vast, and this is assuredly a fact that this theory has a great relevance in the near future… which people have failed for its recognition.

Could someone enlighten me on the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory?


answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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