Logcat window in Android:
Generally, Lolcat window is used for displaying some message in android studio, such as displaying system messages, any types of error or exception, and add some messages in your android app with the Log class.
The Log class allows you to create log messages that appear in logcat window. And you should also use the following log methods to print message in logcat.
Printing Message in Logcat window :
- Log.e(Tag, Message) ---- display error message.
- Log.w(Tag, Message) ---- display warning message.
- Log.i(Tag, Message) ---- display information message.
- Log.d(Tag, Message) ---- display debug message.
- Log.v(Tag, Message) ---- display verbose message.
For restarting your app use following code in your android application.
Intent i = getBaseContext().getPackageManager(). getLaunchIntentForPackage(getBaseContext().getPackageName());