Why was the jury system abolished in India, specifically making reference to the K M Nanavati VS State of Maharashtra?

Asked 7 years ago
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Why was the jury system abolished in India, specifically making reference to the K M Nanavati VS State of Maharashtra?

1 Answer


India Today in its rundown of 30 arrive check judgements incorporated the name of K.M. Nanavati Vs State of Maharashtra 1960.

Why was the jury system abolished in India, specifically making reference to the K M Nanavati VS State of Maharashtra?
This case happen to check the End of Jury Trials in India.
The Indian Legal framework never again has jury to judge its cases. The Government of India chose to abrogate it in light of the fact that the feeling of jury is frequently hued and one-sided. It is on occasion in light of the qualities and standards shared by the general public. The jury comprises of average citizens who are not identified with government or lawful framework. They jugde the cases on merits and not by statutes in total terms. In this way, regardless of whether each jury part is told not to be affected by media and general feeling.

In not very many cases the jury makes a goal judgment. At whatever point they judge a case societal standards, profound quality and morals impact the idea of the choice. It is seen in a large portion of the assault cases the denounced is held liable by the jury. In any case, numerous individuals have contended that nonattendance of jury preliminary would not consolidate standards of profound quality, value and support of nationals in the legal procedure. I contrast as I would like to think.

I consider nonappearance preliminary by jury in our Indian System is a dynamic advance. It can't be said that jury alone checks state control. With exhibit legal activism in the nation, the legal has emergered as a compelling device against the wrong practices of the administration. Also in a nation like India, where media appreciates plentiful aesthetic flexibility.

Individuals have dependably opined their worries through press. Regardless of whether it was Manu Sharma or Zahira or Dhananjay Chatterjee, individuals have constantly voiced out their worries identified with the legal method. Not just this, if law is thoughtful in jury preliminaries, at that point the Indian Legal System is honored with Article 72 of the Constitution, under which the President of India can allow an exculpate or lessen the sentence of an indicted individual, especially in cases including the death penalty. A comparable and parallel power vests in the Governors of each State under Article 161.

The nonattendance of jury preliminary in nation has protected that the law is dynamic. I'm certain the choices of Shah Banu, Best Bakery and Naaz Foundation would have been unique on the off chance that we would in any case have jury preliminaries in the nation.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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