With which company Andhra Pradesh ties up for Digital Dhan Sankalp project?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 737 times


With which company Andhra Pradesh ties up for Digital Dhan Sankalp project?

1 Answer


Digital Dhan Sankalp project

With which company Andhra Pradesh ties up for Digital Dhan Sankalp project?

The Andhra Pradesh government has tied up with financial administrations organization Visa for Vizag Digital Dhan Sankalp (VDDS) venture, which is an activity to form Visakhapatnam into India's first 'less money' city and in addition a Fintech valley. As a team with Visa, the state government will make effort in endeavors to empower computerized installments to educational foundations, little and miniaturized scale shippers, street market merchants, and so forth.

For further report you can hit on the link below:

Report on the Digital Dhan Sankalp Project!

With which company Andhra Pradesh ties up for Digital Dhan Sankalp project?

*This is the beginning of the Big Bang for India*

Cheers for Digital India!

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User
  1. Thank You for answering. - Anonymous User 6 years ago

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